Remembering Vweta Chadwick - One Year On

Just like yesterday, it is already one year since our beloved Vweta Chadwick rested with the Angels.
July is the month dedicated to celebrate the life, works and legacy of Vweta Chadwick (1/1/1988 - 28/7/2020), Founder/Global Programs Director Project Asha. Her life and works continue to inspire people from her circle and extend to those who read about her. Vweta Chadwick was a fighter, displayed resilience and was highly passionate about her dreams for the marginalized, underrepresented girls and women in Nigeria and across the globe.
Vweta's passion for advancing the rights of underserved people accompanied with a strong willed personality, gave her spotlight on the global stage. She won both National and Global awards. Till her death, Vweta was a member of fellowships and social governance bodies like the Mandela Washington Fellowship (2016), Carrington Youth Fellowship Initiative. Vweta was a policy maker and social change agent; a powerful and influential voice in the humanitarian space. In her lifetime she functioned and served in various capacities from Ambassador at Mogul, Facilitator with World Pulse to volunteering at Amnesty International. Her outstanding works with accomplishments remains a testimony.
Chadwick lived a fulfilling life, professionally and socially - a model for younger girls and women. Her contributions, commitments and vocal positions on issues affecting the female gender and families continue to echo through time.
July 2020 holds an unforgettable moment in history, to her family members, friends, colleagues and her NGO project ASHA.
Project Asha team is enthusiastic and proud to continue with the works of Vweta Chadwick; her blueprint is the fuel for the organization, her passions and concerns are more than enough encouragement to help us forge on. We are excited to carry on the legacies of Shero Vweta Chadwick. She is forever in our hearts.
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