International Day of the Girl Child

In commemoration of the Day of the Girl 2022, Project ASHA organised an indoor event to celebrate girls in pako community.
Focusing on the theme "Our time is now - Our right Our future", ProjectASHA inspired the young women to take and utilize every opportunity that will help them on their journeys to a future of equality, abundance and fulfilment. While the world continues to raise awareness on topics of women and girls' inclusion, uninformed marginalized women are somewhat left behind. Discourses of ICT, Tech, inclusion and economic empowerment are slowly reaching underserved groups, however, we are forever focused to ensure women and girls in such areas enjoy the full quality of life.
At the event, the girls were encouraged to reflect on the success story of female role models such as Malala Yousafzai, a human rights champion. A story that truly inspired them to think, act and take the stage. To bolster confidence and increase their reading abilities, the Sheroes (Psuedo-name for every girl at ProjectASHA) were supported to prepare and deliver both the opening and closing speeches. With the help of a Volunteer instructor Ms Yemisi Olofin, they worked in teams to bake snacks and brew local drinks for the event.
As highlighted at the event, ProjectASHA received invigorating and deeply inspiring goodwill messages from female leaders around the world. Here are their messages
Jensine Larsen Founder, WorldPulse
I encourage you to seize the moment and opportunity in tech for you... I encourage you to really go out, look for opportunities in tech, continue to learn, and continue to have fun, to create and to build... know that you're special, know that you're loved. Know that you can be anything you want to be.
Mrs Oreoluwa lesi, Founder and Executive Director, Women Technology Empowerment Center(W.TEC), Nigeria.
More unpublished messages from and other individuals who through their words encouraged our Sheroes to become the best, stay positive and remain the star of their lives and communities.