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The Sustainable development goals and it's relevance to ASHA's work

Lydia Okorie

In September 2000, world leaders at the United Nations summit set up targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which would improve the lives of people around world. These targets were to last for fifteen years, but at the failure of the attainment of these goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born and its implementation began on the 1st of January 2016. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) also known as Global goals are 17 Universal goals aimed at achieving the shortcomings of the MDGs and more by 2030.

Project ASHA is a non-profit organization with a global focus which is concerned with the empowerment of women and girls in low-income communities around the world. Project ASHA helps women and girls in underserved communities identify what disempowers them and teach them life and vocational skills which would help them overcome these challenges.

One of the SDGs of particular interest to Project ASHA is SDG 5 which is Gender Equality. This goal encompasses the fight against gender based violence, equal participation in economic, political and social activities in the community. Women are oftentimes marginalized in patriarchal societies as they are seen but not heard. The goal seeks to address these issues in communities around the world.

In ensuring a world free of gender bias, Project ASHA through initiatives such as Empowering Women of the Future (EWOF) creates awareness and economical consciousness in women and girls in low-income communities such as Sogunro. Sogunro is an underserved community situated on the Lagos lagoon. In Sogunro, Project ASHA holds regular sessions with women and girls helping them identify those things that disempowers them. Thus, through these sessions, women and girls in the community recognize their relevance; economic, political, social among others.

Another instance of the relevance of the SDG; Gender Equality to the work of Project ASHA is in the aspect of securing the sexual and reproductive health of women and girls. In 2016, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) were trained to carry out efficient deliveries. These trained birth attendants would see to the needs of pregnant women and girls in Sogunro. Also, in various city across Nigeria, Project ASHA carried out an awareness campaign of Obstetric Fistula. Obstetric Fistula is a health condition suffered by young mothers who go through prolonged labour. It leads to stigmatization and subsequent death of women and girls. The campaign created the much needed advocacy against teenage pregnancy and early marriage in underserved communities. The campaign also involved relevant authorities pursuant to achieving the goal by 2030.

This year, Project ASHA seeks to champion the SDG 5 in whatever way it can. One of our goals this year is to secure a primary health centre in Sogunro where women and girls will receive quality health treatment. Do partner with Project ASHA today so as to bring about the change we desire especially in low income communities as Sogunro.





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