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ASHA's Video of Solidarity with Women and Girls in Captivity

Vweta Chadwick

On April 14 2014, almost 300 Nigerian schoolgirls were abducted from their school dormitory in the middle of the night. There has been reports of subsequent abductions of girls and women in North Eastern Nigeria as a form of deterrent to girls education.

These crimes against humanity, against women has not left the world in general and Nigerians in particular, unscarred. As concerned global citizens we refuse to accept this as the norm, as a way of life whether in Africa, or in Asia or even the Americas. Unhindered access to education is a right that every woman and girl should enjoy without fear of reprisal.

When words fail, as they do at times like these, we find other mediums to express our outrage, our pains, our hopes.

We are delighted to inform you that one of our Global Ambassador’s, the producer of Daddy's Boy, Efe Mike-Ifeta will be telling our message of solidarity visually.

This short video, about 60 seconds long is scheduled for releasse at 08:00am GMT+1 March 1, 2015.

The significance of this date is not lost on us. March is widely considered as international women’s month worldwide with the 8th day being set aside to commemorate the international women’s day.

Nigerians will be going to the polls in 27 days to decide who will become the Nation’s president for the next four years.

You can view this video on ASHA’s You Tube Channel.

It is our sincere wish that this video engenders a new sense of hope, reignites the embers of our collective hearts and strengthens our voices as we join kindred spirits the world over in demanding an end to all forms of violence against women and girls. As long as one of us is chained, then none of us is free!





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